Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dance Fever!!!

Its that time of year again I think. All my dance friends are starting gear up for the new year of dance classes, choreography, performances, and of course reality shows. I know personally I can't wait to see what the year holds for my dance future. That sounds silly but I feel like this is a lucky year where breakthroughs and growth are inevitable. Last year I participated in an amazing dance performance workshop called Mission in the Mix, and it really blew my mind. I learned and grew so much more than I ever expected to. I really wasn't sure what to expect but I really learned a lot about myself as a dancer and otherwise. I also met a ton of people I really love and respect as individuals and artists. I highly recommend the experience of being a part of performance workshop. There are several performance workshops being held throughout the year and I encourage everyone to at least participate in one this year. I know they can be time consuming and kinda harsh on the wallet but every penny is worth it.. I promise you that.

If you're a SF Bay Area local I would suggest checking out the upcoming workshops happening at City Dance beginning in January. I don't have all the juicy details but I'm sure if you call them or go take class there you can get all the info.


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